
December 30, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that everyone had a fantastic day, that Santa was kind, that you stuffed yourself silly with delicious food and that most importantly you all managed to stay very safe.
This year, a few days before Christmas I went into the city with my sister, Bern, my brother in law, Tom, and my two nephews, Archie and Lenny to see the Christmas decorations. Every year one of the department stores in Melbourne decorates their windows with scenes from various Christmas stories. This year's book was Russell's Christmas Magic, about a sheep who saves Christmas, and the scenes were just beautiful!
Here's Russell, isn't he adorable?!
My beautiful sister and Lenny, who loved seeing the sheep and little frogs.

We found a couple of other fantastic Christmas themed things around the city too. The Melbourne Town Hall had a light and sound show which was amazing to watch.
Here's a couple of short videos I took - not great quality but it gives you an idea of what it looked like.
And of course the giant Christmas tree in City Square (which had been turned into Christmas Square)
My family spent Christmas Eve at my parents place with some family and friends. We had a BBQ dinner, watched the carols by candlelight on TV and even had a special visit from Santa for the kids. Christmas morning I made Egg and Bacon pies for myself and my parents and then later we headed to my sister's place for a big family lunch. I've got 5 nieces and nephews so it makes Christmas extra special watching them get so excited, playing together and opening presents.
So now that Christmas is over for another year, I guess everyone will be looking forward to the new year. Does anyone have anything exciting planned for New Years eve? I'd love to hear your plans!


  1. Hey Claire, it's sushi here. A.K.A. Marina. Just wanted to say thanks so much for sharing those lovely photos and videos. Your nieces and nephews are really cute! I was glad to see those photos and videos of Christmas in Melbourne coz I actually missed out on seeing all those things this year :( For NYE I'm just going to St. Kilda beach with some friends to watch the fireworks and go to a few bars. Happy New Year Claire! See you in 2013!
