
January 4, 2013

Eggnog Latte

I know it's a little late to be posting Christmas related recipes, but I figure this might come in handy if anyone had any eggnog leftover....on second thoughts maybe make some new eggnog....I don't want you drinking two week old eggnog (unless you've got some store bought stuff) and getting sick on me now do I?! Anyway, any coffee lovers out there (like me) will definitely love this recipe. It's supposedly based on a Starbucks drink (which I've never tasted) but I like that it's not overly sweet like some Starbucks flavoured drinks.
My mug is from Lark (noticing a trend starting here?) and says 'I can only please one person per day. Today's not your day & tomorrow doesn't look good either'. I blame my strange sense of humour. 
Start by combining 1/4 cup milk with 1/2 cup of eggnog and steam using a milk frother.
Add the milk to a shot (or two) of coffee and sprinkle with a little nutmeg. I added some chocolate powder to the top of mine too.
And voilĂ , a great way to make your coffee that little bit more special. 
What about you Readers? Are you coffee addicts? Do you have any other special coffee recipes that I can try?  

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