
March 1, 2013

Talking about me

I've been sitting on this post for a couple of weeks now. I wasn't sure what to write, how I wanted it to finish....or if I even wanted to post it at all. I'm still not really sure about it, but here goes.....
I've been wanting to write more about myself on this blog. I'm enjoying writing about the things that I like or what I've been doing, cooking or eating but I think this would be a good space to write about how I feel about different things, topics or just life in general. But the thing is I really struggle to talk about myself and my feelings. I don't open up to people very easily, and as much as I think that this blog is more for me to look back on than anything I still get really nervous about opening up about myself. It's not something that comes naturally. Usually when a conversation turns to me I feel awkward and either change the topic or try and make a joke about it.
be confident #quote quotes
I'm not sure where I'll go with this, whether I'll actually start writing more about my personal life but I did want to share with you why I either don't at all, or don't have many posts like this. I would like to open up more about myself and I think this is a good first step in working towards becoming more confident in that area. Of course there's still going to be things that will be off limits, this isn't a place for gossip or to spread deeply personal things, I'm just talking about how I feel about myself and different topics. A girl has to keep some secrets ;) 

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to hear more about you, your thoughts, desires, dreams, fears and wishes! I think it's great you are trying to express yourself more! Write like no one is reading, but keep in mind people are lol :) All the best with it! x
