
January 2, 2012

A belated Merry Christmas!

A belated Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope you all had a very joyful and happy day. I love hearing all the stories about how people celebrate Christmas all over the world. So tell me lovely people, how did you all celebrate Christmas?
For us here in Australia, it's summer so we had a very hot day. Our meal mostly consisted of meats and salads, as well as a few prawns on the BBQ (or shrimps on the barbie!), eaten outside in my sister, Andrea's backyard and washed down with some cold pear ciders, with Michael Buble's Christmas CD on repeat in the background. Later on in the afternoon we were treated to a huge thunder storm and downpour - lucky for my sister's carport! Despite my Dad announcing 'it'll be over in a minute' the storm went on for a while, so we ended up moving inside and, despite our already fully bellies, filling up again on the many sweet treats that had been prepared (some by yours truly which I'll share in a later post).  But mostly it was just a great day spent celebrating with my family, and you can't top that!

Here's a sneak peak of the treats I made for Christmas Day. I'll post about them properly very soon!
The pretzels I made for Christmas Eve. I ended up making more than expected so I took half on Christmas Day.
Individual meringue nests with lime cream and blueberries.
Baked caramel cheesecake.

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