
December 23, 2011

Chocolate covered pretzels

Over the past few years it's become a Christmas tradition for all of the family to head up to my sister's house and, with some of my sister and brother in law's friends watch the Carols on TV together. It's always a great way to start the Christmas celebrations off - although I'm sure having to hear me sing (or attempt to) slightly ruins it for everyone else ;)
To make it easier on my sister we always bring a dish along each, whether it's sweet or savoury. This year I decided to make some chocolate covered pretzels. I've made these milk and white covered pretzel sticks in the past and they were a hit - but after seeing these beautiful rounder pretzels on Sweet Verbena I had to give them a try. It's a very simple treat to make, although a little time consuming but if you have a movie or something playing in the background time tends to go much quicker. The pretzels would also make a really nice gift, just fill up a jar, tie a nice ribbon around the lid and add a label or gift tag.
I dipped my pretzels in both white and milk chocolate and also added some sprinkles to some.
All you have to do is melt your chocolate over the stove with a spoonful of crisco. Once it's melted dip your pretzel into the chocolate, pick up with a fork and tap on the side of the bowl to remove any excess and then sit the pretzel on a baking tray covered with baking paper, or on a wire cooling rack until the chocolate is set. If you want to add sprinkles make sure you do it as the chocolate is drying.


  1. Oh yummo
    the sweet and savory together
    Perfect match

  2. Yum, they look fab. Can't wait to try them.
