
January 16, 2013


You might have noticed that some of my recent posts have been a little different. I know I've always said that this is a food related blog, but I'm finding that restricting myself to only posting recipes has gotten a little boring for me – although I do love looking back at what I've created – and so I thought I’d start posting more about things that I love and what’s going on in my life. I've really enjoyed the posts like this that I've done so far so I’d like to keep going with them, as well as the usual recipe/food entries.

What better time for a change than the beginning of a new year? I haven't been completely happy with how this blog has been going for a while, and I've come to realise that I'm the one who is totally in control here and only I can change things and the way I feel. It's a pretty empowering (and scary) thought!

warhol quote - change them yourself
"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself" - Andy Warhol

Have you been through any sort of change lately? Or have you made any New Years resolutions that have come from wanting to change something in your life?


  1. Great mantra. So true & once you realize this, it is so empowering. No point being a passenger, take control of the wheel & enjoy the ride!

  2. So true Claire, I've been loving the variety of posts you're writing! Good on you for making changes for the better! Change is better than a holiday...hmm maybe! ;-)
